Entry 1: Deep Within the Pyramid

Location:  Seattle, WA
Brewery: Pyramid Brewery
Reason: To drink

Every epic has to start somewhere.  And there is no place more fitting than a staple of the Seattle brewery scene.  Pyramid.  I know many don't consider it Seattle anymore cause its a big time brewery that sells all over the United States.  But Pyramid will always have a special place in my heart.  Also I have two buddies that work there.  That's always nice.  Fun thing about Pyramid, the Mayweather fight was that day, but they were not ordering the fight cause they didn't want the bro crowd in their tapout shirts.

We enter Pyramid with eager anticipation.  Sam-wise orders the Brown. A bold move, defending the honor of generations before her.  I order the dubbel, potentially risky but the pay off could be huge.  We encounter no dragons, trolls or ogres.  Just people waiting to go to the Beer and Bacon festival.  We survive and move on to the next.


Pyramid is all about location location location.  Before a M's, Hawks or Sounders game this is the place to be.  It can get a little pricey before a game ($6.50 for a pint) but they do have a vast selection of beers (They have their own AND ones from Portland brewing).  I recommended the IPL and Outburst IPA.  Also, their nachos are fantastic.  I give them a 6/10.

Breweries visited -
Pyramid Brewing